Friday, 31 August 2012

Junior Investiture Ceremony!!!

Sapphire International School, Noida held it’s Junior Investiture Ceremony on 27th August, 2012 during which the students council for junior wing was formed. Investiture ceremony is that occasion where we as a school respect and acknowledge the upcoming young leaders and repose our trust in them. Sapphire ushers the child into a world of possibilities where his personality blossoms. Amitesh  Shukla (VI - A) and Depti Chauhan (VI - A) were honoured to lead the council as Head Boy and Head Girl respectively followed by Pragyhan Vaid and Megha Shakya, Binnet Singh and Prakhar Gangwar, Kuneek Chauhan and Lai Kadyan, Manish Kumar and Damini Narang as Junior Captains and Vice Captains of Alps, Himalayas, Pyrenees and Rockies houses. The Management board, Hon’ble President, Shri  Ajit Prasad Jain; Chairperson, Shri Jeevan Kumar Jain; Director, Shri Anurag Jain and Ms. Aakansha Jain, Headmistress Dr. Snigdha Sachdeva and entire school faculty congratulated the new elected council members.