Monday, 24 December 2012


1. First and foremost, I will love teaching. Teaching will be my soul.

2. I realize that I am responsible for shaping not just students but ignited youths who are the most powerful resource under the earth, on the earth and above the earth. I will be fully committed for the great mission of teaching.

3. I will consider myself to be a great teacher for I can lift the average to the best performance by way of my special teaching.

4. All my actions with my students will be with kindness and affection like a mother, sister, father or brother.

5. I will organize and conduct my life, in such a way that my life itself is a message for my students.

6. I will encourage my students to ask questions and develop the spirit of enquiry, so that they blossom into creative enlightened citizens.

7. I will treat all the students equally and will not support any differentiation on account of religion, community or language.

8. I will continuously build the capacities in teaching so that I can impart quality education to my students.

9. I will celebrate the success of my students, with great élan.

10. I realize by being a teacher, I am making an important contribution to all the national development initiatives.

11. I will constantly endeavour to fill my mind, with great thoughts and spread the nobility in thinking and action.

We pledge this with the most loved president ever Abdul Kalam
I feel these points  are our first step towards making Sapphire International School a pioneer in its field ; here each teacher is working towards making learning child friendly and long lasting .

Kritika Mehta

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

‘Don’t be afraid to learn. Knowledge is weightless, a treasure which can be carried very easily’

A Teacher, as we all know and say is a noble profession. I often wondered, what makes this profession so noble and dignified. Since my childhood, I had been hearing from my parents that you should always revere and respect your teachers. Question when the doubt is genuine no matter how stupid and irrelevant it is, seek your teachers’ advice but do it yourself, you may grow professionally or intellectually but should always remain a student to your teacher – these were a few highlighted points which my parents always aimed at while sending me to school.
Today, when I myself stand as a teacher, I see and understand why my parents highlighted those points in my childhood. A Child is nurtured, nourished, and cared for when he/she is with his/her teacher. The tender hands held by a teacher to learn those initial letters, those innocent minds shaped by a teacher to study the multitude of subjects, those interactions and exchanges done in the classroom, the care and concern given to every child all adds up to let a child grow not only intellectually but also emotionally, socially and to a great extend spiritually. Education, as we all know, is an overall development of a personality which enhances the knowledge, skills and habits of an individual. It’s not only about learning things from the text books and testing the cerebral capacity but also goes deep into our lives and touches the soul. As a teacher, I feel it’s important not only to impart knowledge to a child but also to impart every good thing that helps in developing a child’s personality and overall growth. And as I realize my dream of being teacher, I always express my heartfelt gratitude to God, to Sapphire International School, Headmistress Ma’am and all my colleagues who guide me constantly in my endeavor for being a better teacher and a mentor to my students.
So dear students, “Grow, Go and Get. Achieve your dreams. Sky is the limit. But never forget your beginnings”.

Ms. Mancy Mani