Thursday, 25 October 2012


World is changing and it is important that we keep ourselves updated. Well we all hear about phonics and how important they are. But first we need to ask ourselves a question what is phonics and what it has to do with reading?

There are many tools that help children to read and phonic is one of them. Phonic is the connection between letters and sounds and how we use these sounds and letters to read. We teach children phonics when they are first learning read so they realize that the letters on the page come together to form words.
One should always remember that it is important to balance direct instruction of phonics skill with meaningful, thoughtful application. Therefore, one must make it a point to teach phonics sensibly, as research says one should. I teach letter sound in context so that my children have enough time to practice them – instead of in isolation. Well I do this in a variety of ways :
v  I teach consonant sounds first as they tend to be more regular than the vowel sounds.Reseach shows that vowel sounds are rampantly irregular.
v  Well research shows that teaching all those tough phonic rules doesn’t work so one should focus on a few consistent patterns.
v  I always tech them in context .The context give my direct instruction an extra boost.
By teaching phonics in context, I am applying the most scientific research methods and making the best use of instructional time. I hope that this might prove to be a help to eager parents and curious teachers.



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